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About the Platform

The platform "Documenting the Targeting and Destruction of the Health Sector in the Gaza Strip" presents accurate and detailed information about the Israeli assault on health during the genocidal war. This includes data on the attacks on healthcare facilities and health workers who have been killed, abducted, tortured, and maimed by Israeli forces during the genocide, and relevant statements by international organizations and healthcare institutions. These are complemented by original analysis by researchers and authors covering a range of issues in the targeting of the health sector, through which Israeli occupation forces have created a "war biosphere". Read more

The Health Status in Gaza and Sudan March 3, 2024

The Eastern Mediterranean region is currently facing two of the most severe humanitarian crises in recent history. After almost five months of war on Gaza and ten months of armed conflict in Sudan.

PMRS Statement 14th October

The Palestinian Medical Relief Society is calling on the entire international community, those directly involved and those who are not, to speak up on behalf of Palestinians, especially those in Gaza who, as we write, are victims of war crimes. PMRS requests this community to not be distracted by the western media maelstrom caused by blatant Israeli propaganda designed to dehumanize Palestinians and to remain focused on the issue of human rights. Since the 7th of October, we have collectively witnessed genocide in action and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.

PMRS Statement Oct 11, 2023

PMRS calls on the international community to hold Israel accountable for their violations to human rights and international law. PMRS urges the international community to demand the cessation of the violence in Gaza and to demand Israel comply with international humanitarian laws of necessity, proportionality and distinction. PMRS calls for safe access to shelter and unimpeded access for medical and humanitarian workers.

Health Sector Emergency Report for the 149th Day of Aggression
بيان| جمعية الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني تعبرعن بالغ قلقها جراء استهداف الإحتلال المتكرر لمستشفى الأمل وتطالب المجتمع الدولي بتوفير الحماية العاجلة لطواقمها
بيان| جمعية الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني تدين ادّعاءات جيش الإحتلال الكاذبة بخصوص قيام مسلحين بإطلاق قذائف من داخل مستشفى القد
بيان| جمعية الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني تناشد الجهات والمنظمات الدولية العاملة في القطاع الصحي والإغاثي بضرورة إدخال المساعدات والاحتياجات الضرورية لمحافظتي غزة والشمال بشكل عاجل
Imminent Threat recieved for immediate Evacuation of PRCS Al Quds Hospital
الطواقم الطبية في مستشفى القدس تستقبل المصابين والجرحى من قطاع غزة

الطواقم الطبية في مستشفى القدس و على مدار الساعة تواصل استقبال المصابين و الجرحى وذلك نتيجة العدوان الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة في يومه الرابع،

حيث تعاملت الطواقم اليوم مع ما يزيد عند 70 مصاب وجريح.

PRCS Preliminary Emergency Appeal - Aggravated Humanitarian and Protection Crisis due to the Escalation of Hostilities in Gaza Strip and the West Bank
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)