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About the Platform

The platform "Documenting the Targeting and Destruction of the Health Sector in the Gaza Strip" presents accurate and detailed information about the Israeli assault on health during the genocidal war. This includes data on the attacks on healthcare facilities and health workers who have been killed, abducted, tortured, and maimed by Israeli forces during the genocide, and relevant statements by international organizations and healthcare institutions. These are complemented by original analysis by researchers and authors covering a range of issues in the targeting of the health sector, through which Israeli occupation forces have created a "war biosphere". Read more

Emergency Situation Reports, Issue 5
Emergency Situation Reports, Issue 4
Emergency Situation Reports, Issue 3
Emergency Situation Reports, Issue 2
Emergency Situation Reports, Issue 1
Al Ahli Arab Hospital
Ownership type

The main targeting and assaults During the genocide

Related testimonies

Related testimonies

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Al-Quds Hospital
Ownership type

The main targeting and assaults During the genocide

Muhammad Al-Durrah Children's Hospital
Ownership type

The main targeting and assaults During the genocide

Al-Ranteesi Al-Naser Paediatric Hospital
Ownership type

The main targeting and assaults During the genocide

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)