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Fully functional
Sabah Alharzeen Health Center
Facility Type
Primary Healthcare Clinic
Ownership type
Government sector
Governorates / District
Gaza City – Shujayea'-Nazaz street-near mushtaha oil station
Founding Year
Number of workers
Clinics Care Level
Level four
Clinics Service types
Mother & Child Health
List of medical specialties and services
Pre-natal care
Postnatal care
Family planning
General medicine
Emergency medicine
Home visits
Equipment and facilities
Laboratory services
Ultrasound scan
Description (About the Facility)

The Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, a governmental health center in the Shuja’iya neighborhood, was established with a donation from Palestinian businessman Hammad Al-Harazin[1]. It offers a fourth level of care[S1]  and provides a training center for the Palestinian Board of Family Medicine program[2]. The health center has a drug store and a public health laboratory dedicated to water, food and pharmaceutical testing, the only one in the Gaza Strip[3].


The Center's social role 

The Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center offers health seminars inside and outside the center, in schools and mosques[4][5][6], including educational sessions on oral and dental health[7], first aid courses[8], educational lectures for mothers on lactation, preconception care and child health[9][10], security and safety trainings[11], blood donation campaigns[12], awareness lectures on chronic diseases[13], and community educational activities in coordination with the local community[14][15]. 

In August 2023, the health center organized capacity building and emergency response training for primary care centers in collaboration with Doctors Without Borders-Spain[16] and in June 2023 in coordination with the General Directorate of Engineering and Maintenance[17]. 


narrative during this war

On July 11, 2024: Occupation forces destroyed the Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center during their incursion into the Shuja’iya neighborhood[18].


1.  Sama News Agency, News release.

2.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

3.  Quds Press News Agency, News release.

4.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

5.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

6.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

7.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

8.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

9.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

10.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

11.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

12.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

13.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

14.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

15.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

16.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

17.  Sabha Al-Harazin Health Center, Facebook.

18.  Quds News Network, Telegram.