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Submitted by zaqoutrima on

Occupation forces stormed the hospital, arresting its director, Dr. Ahmad al-Kahlout, and all medical staff. Everyone was interrogated and some tortured inside the emergency department and al-Kahlout and more than 70 medical staff were abducted to an unknown destination. The occupation forces shoot at some of those released, injuring five people. 65 wounded and 12 sick children in pediatric care remained at the hospital without electricity, water, or food.

And on December 14,2024 The Ministry of Health announced that occupation forces force all 2,500 displaced people to leave, and evacuate the remaining injured and medical staff to the hospital yard. The ministry also reported that the occupation army prevented medical staff from providing care to 12 infants in intensive care and 10 injured people in the emergency department, resulting in the death of two patients

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