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About the Platform

The platform "Documenting the Targeting and Destruction of the Health Sector in the Gaza Strip" presents accurate and detailed information about the Israeli assault on health during the genocidal war. This includes data on the attacks on healthcare facilities and health workers who have been killed, abducted, tortured, and maimed by Israeli forces during the genocide, and relevant statements by international organizations and healthcare institutions. These are complemented by original analysis by researchers and authors covering a range of issues in the targeting of the health sector, through which Israeli occupation forces have created a "war biosphere". Read more

A Public Health Approach to Rebuilding Health in Gaza – A Contribution from the Public Health Sub-Group to the Amman Conference (February 7, 2024)

The First International Conference to Rebuild the Health Sector in Gaza (Amman, February 7-8 2024) brought together a diverse international delegation of medical and health professionals and policy makers, with a focus on Palestinian organizations and voices, to draft a plan for rebuilding health in Gaza. As part of this effort, a public health sub-group was formed to ensure the adoption of a comprehensive public health approach and the embedding of community and population health as a core component of this plan. In this paper, we share the sub-group’s contribution to the conference.

On the Edge of the Abyss: War and Public Health in Gaza


The Health Sector in Gaza during the Current War: The Real Situation on the Ground and Its True Import

The Israeli army has, since October 7, been waging a destructive war on Gaza. Thousands have been killed or injured, many are left destitute and without shelter and there are thousands of displaced persons who face extreme hardship and live under inhuman circumstances. The war has caused an unprecedented human catastrophe, a total breakdown in infrastructure, and the complete destruction of civilian institutions, leading to disastrous consequences that affect the ability of the population to live and survive.

The Destruction of the Health Sector in the Gaza Strip

“The destruction of the health system has been the main thrust of the [Israeli] military strategy.” This was the testimony of Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta after spending six weeks working in various hospitals across the Gaza Strip during the ongoing genocidal war against the Palestinian people[1].

Health Sector Emergency Report for the 167th Day of Aggression
Health Sector Emergency Report for the 164th Day of Aggression
Health Sector Emergency Report for the 158th Day of Aggression

Strikes on the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital facilities

Submitted by zaqoutrima on

On October 29, 2023 the Occupation forces bombed and severely damaged the hospital in shelling of its vicinity[5].

On October 30, 2023 the hospital's management appealed to the Turkish government to intervene to protect the hospital and its medical staff. Occupation forces targeted the hospital for the second time, causing severe damage to the hospital and disrupting some of its electromechanical systems.

Jaffa Hospital goes out of service

Submitted by zaqoutrima on

Occupation forces bombed the vicinity of the Jaffa Medical Hospital, including directly targeting the Jaffa Mosque located next to it, putting the hospital out of service. The operating, emergency, and surgical departments were severely affected by the attack. At the time, the hospital was one of 12 hospitals in the southern Gazan Strip that continue to function partially. 

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)