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The platform "Documenting the Targeting and Destruction of the Health Sector in the Gaza Strip" presents accurate and detailed information about the Israeli assault on health during the genocidal war. This includes data on the attacks on healthcare facilities and health workers who have been killed, abducted, tortured, and maimed by Israeli forces during the genocide, and relevant statements by international organizations and healthcare institutions. These are complemented by original analysis by researchers and authors covering a range of issues in the targeting of the health sector, through which Israeli occupation forces have created a "war biosphere". Read more

إحصائيات حول الهجوم العسكري الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة (08 - 25 أكتوبر 2023)
Statistics on the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip (07 - 26 October 2023)
Statistics on the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip (07 - 28 October 2023)
Statistics on the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip (07 - 29 October 2023)
Number of Gazan children killed in under a month is 10 times higher than that of Ukrainian children killed in entire first year of Russia’s ongoing war

Geneva – Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip have resulted in the death of a Palestinian child every seven minutes, said Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor in a statement today. The bloody toll is unprecedented in modern history, as no other genocide has been so widely publicised on mainstream Western television programmes and popular social media sites, the oranisation contended, and the number of children killed in Gaza now far exceeds the number of children killed in the entire first year of the ongoing Ukraine war.


Scholars’ consensus: Genocide in Gaza marks turning point, Israel must be held accountable

Geneva – The characterisation of Israeli actions in Gaza as genocide by UN experts and international legal scholars should mark a turning point, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said today, in a call for Israel to be held accountable for its crimes.


Statistics on the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip (07 October - 2 November 2023)
In a matter of hours, Israel carries out the bloodiest massacre in its history

Geneva – In just a few hours of violent and intense air attacks on the Gaza Strip overnight, and amid a total blackout of communications and Internet services, Israel has committed its largest massacre since its establishment in 1948, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported today.



Gaza: Palestinian cancer patients die due to hospital closures, lack of medical care

Geneva - As Israel continues its assault on the Gaza Strip for the second month in a row, thousands of Gazan patients face a slow death due to the severe lack of medical care, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said on Wednesday.


Israel uses its ‘safe corridor’ in Gaza as trap to murder and detain Palestinians fleeing Israeli violence

Geneva - Israel has turned the “safe corridor” it announced a few days ago into a trap where displaced individuals and families are killed or arrested and abused, said Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.


Palestinian Ministry of Health (Gaza Strip)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)