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The platform "Documenting the Targeting and Destruction of the Health Sector in the Gaza Strip" presents accurate and detailed information about the Israeli assault on health during the genocidal war. This includes data on the attacks on healthcare facilities and health workers who have been killed, abducted, tortured, and maimed by Israeli forces during the genocide, and relevant statements by international organizations and healthcare institutions. These are complemented by original analysis by researchers and authors covering a range of issues in the targeting of the health sector, through which Israeli occupation forces have created a "war biosphere". Read more

Scores of the wounded and sick die due to Rafah crossing closure

Palestinian Territory - The ongoing closure of the Rafah land crossing, which connects the Gaza Strip to Egypt, has resulted in a dire humanitarian crisis for Palestinian civilians and has accelerated the genocide that has been taking place since 7 October.

Hostages of Israeli revenge in the Gaza Strip: Testimonies of 100 released Palestinian detainees reveal crimes of torture, cruel treatment

Palestinian Territory - In a new report released on Tuesday, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor documents the testimonies of about 100 released Palestinian detainees. These testimonies confirm that the Israeli authorities and army committed horrific crimes of arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, torture, and inhuman and cruel treatment against thousands of Palestinian civilians who were arrested as part of Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023.

Gaza: Less than 30 hours after its first massacre, Israel bombs more displaced civilians in Rafah

Palestinian Territory - Israel has committed a new massacre against civilians in displacement tents in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip. Less than 30 hours after its first horrific massacre near the warehouses of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the so-called “safe zone”, Israel bombed displacement tents located in the vicinity of these same UNRWA facilities.

Hostages of Israeli revenge in the Gaza Strip
Hostages of Israeli revenge in the Gaza Strip: Torture and inhumane treatment against Palestinian prisoners and detainees

Since the start of the massive and unprecedented Israeli military attack on the Gaza Strip and the genocide against its entire Palestinian population, ongoing since 7 October 2023, the Israeli army has launched widespread arbitrary arrest campaigns. These campaigns have targeted Palestinian civilians, including women, children, the elderly, and displaced people, and have occurred most commonly during Israel’s ground incursions into cities, refugee camps, and various residential neighbourhoods in the Strip.

Gaza: Israeli army expands its use of quadcopters to kill more Palestinian civilians

Palestinian Territory - As part of its genocide that has been ongoing since 7 October 2023, Israel has been ramping up its use of small drones, or quadcopters, to drop explosive bombs and “shoot to kill” more Palestinians.

Condemning Israeli Nuseirat massacre, Euro-Med Monitor calls for an investigation into use of US pier for military purposes

Palestinian Territory - The massacre carried out by the Israeli army today, Saturday, in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip is strongly condemned by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor. Grave concern is also expressed over reports that Israel may have usedfor military purposes the US pier intended for transporting humanitarian supplies to Gaza.

Gaza: Euro-Med Monitor investigates Israel’s massacre of 120 Palestinians, most of them from one family

Palestinian Territory - The Israeli army carried out a massacre in the northern Gaza Strip’s Jabalia refugee camp when it bombed a residential complex last November. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor led a months-long investigation into the circumstances of the massacre, which Israel committed, using US-made bombs with enormous destructive power, as part of its genocide against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023.

Killing, torture, and injections of unknown substances: Intl. community must act on Israeli violations of Gaza detainees

Palestinian Territory - New testimonies from Palestinian detainees released from Israeli prisons and detention centres received by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor confirm that thousands of civilians have been subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment and severe torture as part of Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023.

Israel escalates attacks against Palestinian journalists in Gaza

Palestinian Territory - Since the start of its war on the Gaza Strip on 7 October 2023, Israel has made Palestinian journalists one of its primary targets and committed numerous crimes against them.

Palestinian Ministry of Health (Gaza Strip)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)